Tuesday, September 2, 2008


- why do we (designers) use a grid? what are the benefits or functions?
-- include any online links, research, thoughts, examples...

Grids overall bring organization to layouts. By using a grid it will unify page layouts and make everything flow with a lot more ease. On top of the benefit of everything flowing it also helps make pages more "systematical"(grid based design) and helps logically. Grids help in adjusting height and width of images and text so that everything works in a page layout. Grids are becoming large in not only typographical layouts but also becoming heavily dominant in web design.

Grids are also very helpful for viewers. They organize information in a hierarchy of information by importance. It also helps a viewer to know what order links, pictures, and text are supposed to be taken at.

p.s. my links are below and aren't working so those will be up shortly.


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