Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Adrian Frutiger

Adrian Frutiger is a typographer from Switzerland born in 1928. He originally took interest in sculpture but was pressed against it by his father and teachers. He then got into printing where he held an internship at 18 working as a compositor and working on Roman rubbings. This eventually took him into the career of developing types. He is accredited with creating many of different typefaces. In 1987 he was awarded a Type Directors Club award for his contributions to the type world. His first typeface that he created was president, which didn’t draw as much attention as his later works. He is most known for Frutiger and Univers.

Univers was created in 1956, which is a typeface with even stroke widths and a large x height. It is unique because of its numbering system. Every version on Univers is numbered depending on its different components. This is unique because before this time all fonts were labeled by names and Univers was the first font typeface to bring a number into the labeling process. There are currently 27 different variations of Univers. Univers has a large x height, which makes it very usable. It can be used as large fonts or small fonts and still appears very legible.




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